

Simple - Relational - Participatory


A trellis is a simple structure that empowers organic life to grow. In a similar way, we believe simple structures can serve the organic life of the church, causing people to thrive like a living plant to reach the lost and the hurting. We desire to be relationally alive - doing justice, delighting in showing mercy, and with humble hearts choosing to wash feet over throwing stones.

An invitation to a different way of life

Envision with us... gathering with family and friends, encouraging one another, caring for one another, and learning the ways of God in Christ Jesus - together.

Trellis is a place where learning and knowing the ways of God help us to engage with the world around us. Rather than a sermon centric meeting, we are a family digging into the Holy Word of God together. We regularly eat together because Jesus' ministry demonstrated the impact of sharing life over the table with others. Friends realize that connecting over shared tables draws us together through laughter, tears, and intimately real relationships where we can be vulnerable and where the gifts that we’ve been given - like teaching, hospitality, creative arts, generosity, encouragement, and wisdom can be shared with each other. It's an environment where needs are known, wounds are cleaned, and where we can safely wrestle with hard questions and even disagree because we are unified about the essential, core tenets of our shared Christian faith.

As a community, we don’t strive for bigger, better buildings and “stuff”, we want to surrender all of that - from titles to finances, in order to radically obey Jesus in restoring people to God and demonstrating what God is like to a very hurting world.